Real Estate

1033 Exchanges

Explore the ways to leverage the 1033 Exchange in real estate. Discover how you can defer taxes and enhance your investment strategy.

Getting to Know 1033 Exchanges

Internal Revenue Code Section 1033 governs the tax consequences when a property is compulsorily or involuntarily converted in whole or in part into cash or other property. This is commonly referred to as an “involuntary conversion” since the loss of property is beyond the control of the taxpayer and realize gain because the insurance or condemnation proceeds exceed the owner’s tax basis in the property.

Section 1033 does not require a Qualified Intermediary (QI). In a Section 1033 Exchange, the taxpayer can receive the sales proceeds and hold them until the replacement property is purchased. If not all the proceeds are used towards acquiring the replacement property, the taxpayer is taxed on the difference. In addition, replacement property cannot be acquired from a related party.

Events that May Qualify for 1033 Exchange:

Key Comparison of 1033 vs. 1031 Exchange

1033 Exchange
1031 Exchange
Involuntary sale
Voluntary sale
No requirement for Accommodator/Qualified Intermediary (QI)
Requires Accommodator/Qualified Intermediary (QI)
2 to 4 year replacement period
45-day identification and 180-day completion replacement period
Additional debt can offset equity
Additional debt cannot offset equity

Qualified Replacement Property

The following are examples of like-kind properties:

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